Saturday, March 7, 2009


Yep, I love Sepia...I'm trying to get away from it but, I JUST

Here's yesterday's pic just a little different edit...

Today, I spent most of the day with my lovely daughter at dance for pictures for her team. She really surprises me every day with the amount of dedication she has and how strong she it. Girls can be mean...REALLY mean, and today Hailey handled herself amongst some of her friends in a way that really made me proud. She's had such a tough time this year at dance with her friendships and who she thought were her friends, and who for some reason aren't being the nicest to her...but, alas that is girls for ya! She feels very alone, and has even not wanted to go to dance because of this but, today after she was ignored she didn't cry, she didn't complain. She held her head high and moved on. I'm so proud of her... I was glad that I was there today to be able to help her through this hard time and to see how far she's come...I'm proud of you baby girl!!!


  1. I love the new edit! Of course, how do you make that girl of yours any more beautiful!?!?

  2. Oh you're so sweet!!! Thanks girl, I will tell her you said that, it will make her feel much better... ;)

  3. I love #2! And I have a love affair with sepia too!
